How to make a return to WEARECUTE?

If you have received a defective product or one different from that ordered, send us an email to with your order number and the reason for the return, or contact us on the telephone number: +33 6 12 31 97 55

A confirmation email will be sent to you within 24 to 48 hours after your request to provide you with the return address. You then have 7 days to return the product to us.

Only items returned in new condition in their original packaging (box, instructions, certificates of authenticity) and which have not undergone any personalization or transformation of their condition may be processed.

  1. Time limit

    You have 14 days from receipt of your order to submit your return request via our returns portal.

  2. Products

    Returned products can be tried on but must never have been worn.

  3. Sealed

    The seal must not be removed: it ensures that the returned product is indeed the one we sent you.

  4. Original package

    Your product must be returned in its original packaging, with all its accessories (laces, etc.).

  5. Return form

    The returns form that you will receive by email must be slipped into the return package. Any package received without a returns form cannot be processed by our team.

  6. Shipping box

    You must protect the product and its packaging with the initial shipping box or another shipping box provided for this purpose. We reserve the right to refuse the return if the product and/or its packaging returns to us damaged.

    What are the return or exchange deadlines?


    You have 14 days from receipt of your package to submit your desire to return the product.


    You have 30 days from receipt of your package to submit your desire to exchange the product.

    Are there return costs?
    In the case of a return or exchange, shipping costs are your responsibility.
    We recommend that you use a tracked delivery “against signature”, our stamp being proof of receipt. Remember to keep the proof of deposit and the tracking number in order to follow the delivery of the package.

    Have you received my package?
    You will receive an email to confirm receipt of your package at our premises. Please note that a processing time applies upon receipt by our quality department.

    How am I reimbursed?
    The refund will be made to the payment method used during the initial order, within a maximum of 14 days from receipt and verification of your package by our team.